In a real program, it is almost never enough to have all of the UI logic and visuals in one place. Almost always it is beneficial to split up the UI into smaller parts, usually located in separate modules, be it for clarity and maintainability or for reuse.
This page describes different patterns of such decomposition supported by Elmish.
- Partial view functions
- Composing full-fledged components
- Dedicated event loop
- Events from child components
Partial view functions
The simplest way to split up a big UI is to extract some parts of its view
function as separate functions, what in some contexts might be called “partial view”. For example, consider the bespoke counter UI:
type State = { count :: Int }
data Message = Inc | Dec
view :: State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view state dispatch =
H.div ""
[ H.div "" $ "The current count is: " <> show state.count
, button "increase" (dispatch <| Inc)
, button "decrease" (dispatch <| Dec)
button :: String -> E.EventHandler E.SyntheticEvent -> ReactElement
button text onClick =
H.div ""
[ H.text $ "To " <> text <> " the count, click here: "
, H.button_ "btn btn-primary" { onClick } text
Here, we have extracted the visuals for “increase” and “decrease” buttons as a partial view function named button
, which is then used twice in the main view
NOTE: such “partial view” function doesn’t have to be just a visual. As seen in this example, it can produce messages as well.
Often, especially with larger partial views, it’s beneficial to name their parameters by gathering them in a record:
view :: State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view state dispatch =
H.div ""
[ H.div "" $ "The current count is: " <> show state.count
, button { text: "increase", onClick: dispatch <| Inc }
, button { text: "decrease", onClick: dispatch <| Dec }
button :: { text :: String, onClick :: E.EventHandler E.SyntheticEvent } -> ReactElement
button { text, onClick } =
H.div ""
[ H.text $ "To " <> text <> " the count, click here: "
, H.button_ "btn btn-primary" { onClick } text
Composing full-fledged components
Partial view functions are great, because they’re simple, but sometimes it does make sense to package away a whole piece of complex UI logic - either for reuse or just for code organization. This setup is usually referred to as “child components”.
For example, let’s say we wanted to create a UI consisting of two such counters as shown above:
To do this, we would aggregate the two counters’ states, route their messages and state transitions, and compose their views:
import Counter as Counter
-- Aggregate child components' states
type State =
{ left :: Counter.State
, right :: Counter.State
-- Aggregate child components' messages
data Message
= LeftMsg Counter.Message
| RightMsg Counter.Message
view :: State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view state dispatch =
H.div "row"
[ H.div "col-6"
[ H.h3 "" "Left counter"
, Counter.view state.left (dispatch <<< LeftMsg)
, H.div "col-6"
[ H.h3 "" "Right counter"
, Counter.view state.right (dispatch <<< RightMsg)
Note how we’re calling Counter.view
twice, but passing it different states (left
and right
) and different Dispatch
functions - one wrapping Counter’s messages in LeftMsg
and the other wrapping them in RightMsg
So far so good. But what about the update
Since Transition
is a pair of state + effects (see Transition: Under the Hood), we could do it the straightforward way:
- Call
- Unwrap the resulting
to obtain the new counter state and any effects. - Plug the new counter state into the aggregate
- Modify the effects to wrap all messages they produce in
). - Reconstruct
out of the new aggregateState
and the modified effects.
This is what your typical Elm program does, and it would look something like this:
update state (LeftMsg m) =
let Transition s effs = Counter.update state.left m
state' = state { left = s }
effs' = map LeftMsg <$> effs
Transition state' effs'
This is straightforward, but in practice this becomes very tedious very fast. So instead, we could use the fact that Transition
is a monad (to thread the state via bind
) as well as a Bifunctor
(to wrap the effect messages via lmap
). This would look somewhat like this:
update state (LeftMsg m) = do
s' <- lmap LeftMsg $ Counter.update state.left m
pure state { left = s' }
NOTE: See the Transition page for a detailed description of how the do
notation works with Transition
Or even better: for a straightforward mapping like this, without any extra processing, we could use just the Bifunctor
aspect of Transition
and map both messages and state via bimap
update state (LeftMsg m) =
bimap LeftMsg state { left = _ } $ Counter.update state.left m
NOTE: This syntax works because of how PureScript’s record updates are parsed. The expression state { left = _ }
is a single term, equivalent to a function \x -> state { left = x }
Armed with this knowledge, we can now write the full update
function of the composed component:
update :: State -> Message -> Transition Message State
update state (LeftMsg m) =
bimap LeftMsg state { left = _ } $ Counter.update state.left m
update state (RightMsg m) =
bimap RightMsg state { right = _ } $ Counter.update state.right m
This mode of composition is sure less tedious than in Elm, but still heavy compared to the partial view functions. Use with care.
Dedicated event loop
Aggregating child component’s state and message into those of the parent component is the standard composition procedure in The Elm Architecture. Sometimes, however, it turns out to be very inconvenient for no reason.
Say we wanted to display two areas of our UI in “collapsible panels” - i.e. a header with a button that shows or hides contents:
module CollapsiblePanel where
type State = { collapsed :: Boolean }
data Message = Toggle
view :: { title :: String, content :: ReactElement } -> State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view { title, content } state dispatch =
H.div ""
[ H.div_ "bg-light" { onClick: dispatch <| Toggle } title
, if collapsed
then H.empty
else H.div "" content
update :: State -> Message -> Transition Message State
update { collapsed } Toggle = { collapsed: not collapsed }
module Parent where
import CollapsiblePanel as CP
type State =
{ ...
, panel1 :: CP.State
, panel2 :: CP.State
data Message
= ...
| CP1Msg CP.Message
| CP2Msg CP.Message
view :: State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view = ...
, CP.view { title: "Panel 1", content: H.text "Content 1" } state.panel1 (dispatch <<< CP1Msg)
, CP.view { title: "Panel 2", content: H.text "Content 2" } state.panel1 (dispatch <<< CP2Msg)
update :: State -> Message -> Transition Message State
update state (CP1Msg m) =
CP.update state.panel1 m
# bimap CP1Msg state { panel1 = _ }
update state (CP2Msg m) =
CP.update state.panel2 m
# bimap CP2Msg state { panel2 = _ }
Phew! That’s a lot of boilerplate! But more importantly, the boilerplate is not really needed here, logically speaking. We never look at any messages of the CollapsiblePanel
, we never inspect its state, all we do is blindly “route” the CollapsiblePanel
’s messages and state transitions. This is textbook accidental complexity.
For cases like this, Elmish supports a different mode of composition - wrapWithLocalState
. This function takes a parameter of type args -> ComponentDef
(for some generic type args
) and returns a function args -> ReactElement
. Under the hood, the ComponentDef
is instantiated as a React
component with its own, internal message/update/transition loop, completely independent of the parent component. The parent component may then use the args -> ReactElement
function in their view
and not worry about routing the child component’s state and messages.
module CollapsiblePanel where
render :: { title :: String, content :: ReactElement } -> ReactElement
render =
wrapWithLocalState (ComponentName "CollapsiblePanel") \args ->
{ init, view: view args, update }
module Parent where
import CollapsiblePanel as CP
type State = { ... } -- no mention of CP.State
data Message = ... -- no mention of CP.Message
view :: State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view state dispatch =
, CP.render { title: "Panel 1", content: H.text "Content 1" }
, CP.render { title: "Panel 2", content: H.text "Content 2" }
update :: State -> Message -> Transition Message State
update = ... -- no mention of CP.update
In this example, the args
type is { title :: String, content :: ReactElement }
. We pass a function args -> ComponentDef
to wrapWithLocalState
and it returns us a function args -> ReactElement
, which we name render
and then use in the Parent
NOTE 1: the ComponentName
parameter is unfortunately required due to how React works under the hood. For a detailed explanation, see docs on Pursuit.
NOTE 2: the name wrapWithLocalState
will probably be changed in the future. We do not like the name, but we were unable to come up with a better alternative so far.
This mode of composition works best under these conditions:
- The “parent” component does not need access to state or messages of the “child” component.
- The “child” component’s state is trivial, not critical to the application. The underlying mechanism relies on React’s component-local state (i.e. the
property), which turns out to be not guaranteed from occasional unwarranted reset.